Some of my other Web sites...

Normal Eating for Normal Weight  Normal Eating for Normal Weight

LoveTies (Instant Horoscopes)Instant Horoscopes

Permutations Software


Please visit my blog.

I'm a writer, programmer, and helping professional with degrees in psychology, counseling, and fine arts. The programming part is self-taught.

I've written extensively about computer technology, emotional eating, and environmentalism - particularly global warming science and policy. You can read chapters from my book on emotional eating at Samples of my published articles on technology and environmentalism can be found on this site. My strength as a writer is in making complex topics interesting and accessible.

As a programmer, I've used many different languages, and produced software for many platforms, including Windows and the Web. On the Web I use LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). I'm a very strong PHP / MySQL programmer, and I'm pretty good with Apache .htaccess and .htpasswd files as well (see my utility for generating username:password entries for .htpasswd). I've also done a lot with JavaScript - the menus on this site are JavaScript - and CSS. My art background has helped with good interface design (see sample Web sites.)

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