I don’t like to build my Web sites completely around blog software, and yet I want them to have a consistent look and feel. I want the blog to look like the rest of the site. The blog on this site isn’t integrated – it looks completely different from the site’s home page and other pages. But the blog I just installed on another one of my sites looks exactly like the rest of the site – the theme is consistent throughout.
If you go to normaleating.com and click on the Blog button, you will see that the look-and-feel of the blog and the rest of the site are identical. This site contains much more than a blog. There’s a forum with a chat, a newsletter, various content pages (sample chapters from my book), a testimonials page, etc.
How did I get the blog to look like the rest of the site? The Atahualpa theme. (I can never remember that name. What does it mean?) This theme gives you a menu-driven interface to just about every WordPress theme option so you can make your site look exactly like you want. I had no trouble at all duplicating the layout of the rest of my site, and it was a lot easier to do in Atahualpa than it would have been manually. It takes a little time to set up because there are so many options, but none of it is hard. All you need to know is a little basic CSS.
Now that I’ve found Atahualpa, I’ll never use any other theme. I was so enchanted with it I sent the author a donation.
Thank you for your article about Atahualpa theme. I’m just starting to use it in my upcoming website, but your site showed me what possibilities this theme has.
I have tried many, many themes in my search for the look, use, and feel for the site that I have. The content is varied, and covers many different topics and subjects. As I said, Many templates. Mucho. No joy until Atahualpa (yes, I too am going to have to find out where that name came from 🙂 ). I came across it in the wordpress.org theme directory and had a ‘ho-hum, more trial-and-error’ attitude. I was floored.
I installed it expecting the same old limited or non existent options that I had experienced with all the other themes I had tried. Wow! The option screen on the Admin end was so extensive it was practically overwhelming at first view. I knew that this kind of customization was available with professionally designed – and expensive – themes, but this one is free! Being a Linux man, I am accustomed to the sharing that the open source community provides each other, but this really came as a pleasant surprise. It is truly amazing the options and versatility with which those options can be used. The options can be combined to produce just about any truly unique site. I can’t say enough good things about it, and like you, I am going to be donating to the amazing author(s) of this extraordinary theme.
I have to get back to my site. I haven’t changed the rotating images yet. And a *lot* of stuff is yet to be explored. Did I mention I’ve been using it for almost a year?
Happy WordPressing,
Atahualpa was the last Inca Emperor. The only theme I have ever used has been Atahualpa, I think it is really good.
Atahualpa — I use it, too — and here’s who he was: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atahualpa
Why BytesForAll calls it that, I do not know. Hard to confuse with another, that’s for sure.